Welcome to Sydney's Page!
June 7th, 2016
Hi Everyone!
Whoops, it's been far too long since an update. I just turned 2 1/2 years old. I switched schools since my last post. I now go to the JCC in Brighton. My teachers are Lily, Alla, and Katie. My friends are Asher, Maya, Naomi, Amit, Elan, and the rest of the kids in my class.
I love to do art, sing, go outside, and generally be fun and cute.
I'm a little bit of a diva. I want what I want and I know how to try to get people to give it to me. I'm still working on always using my please and thank yous.
I'm not currently doing any classes. I was in swimming over the winter but just stopped because Mommy and Daddy have lots of trips this summer and we're going to Disney with Uncle Raymond, and Cousins Jonathan, Jennifer, Jacob, and Josh in August. I'm really excited to see Mickey Mouse (who just recently, I was pronouncing as micka moose).
I guess that's mostly what's happening in my life right now. Hopefully, I won't have a year between updates (sheesh, Daddy).
-- Syddy
July 1st, 2015
Hi Everyone!
It's been a long while since I posted, but now, daddy made it easier to update my page. YAY!
I'm almost 19 months old. I'm still just about 17 lbs. I'm running around like crazy and saying a few words.
I moved to Natick with Mommy, Daddy, and Kittle in March
Things I love to say:
- Moo
- Uh oh
- ook ook ook (like a monkey)
- ya
Things I like to eat:
- Peanut butter
- Puffs
- Pancakes
- Pasta
I'm in the middle sized kids room at school. My teachers are Mercedes and Sylvia. I like to do art and dance and do music class.
I go to gym class every Saturday. I have a lot of fun tumbling around.
Some of my friends are:
- Savannah
- Gianna
- Hayley
- Nathaniel
- Ishaan
- Evan
- Eva
- Leo
- Hienrick
That's what happening in my life right now.
Apr 28th, 2014
Hi Everyone,
Currently, I'm around 11 lbs. I'm almost 5 months old (next Monday!). I'm laughing a lot, smiling all the time, and I've just recently started eating solid foods. I go to school 5 days a week at Little Corner School House Too in Brookline. I have 2 main teachers, Rita and Lilia. There are a bunch of older babies in my class. I can't wait for the summer when I can spend more time outside. I love going outside and staring at the sky and watching the birds. I also love dancing and when Daddy and Mommy sing to me.
Dec 4th, 2013
Hi Everybody!
I'm here! I came at 2:42 a.m. on December 4th, 2013. I was 6 lbs and 1 oz. I'll post more when I'm not so tired. For now, here are links to my registries.
AmazonBabies R Us (sorry, have to search for this one)
Thank you to everyone for all the love and support you have given me, mommy, daddy, and Kittle.